Introducing My New eBook!

Introducing My New eBook!

Once the AI buzz/hype died down, I set out on a goal to see what AI could actually do in production.

I wanted to understand how it could be beneficial for DevOps, Cloud, and Platform Engineers across the globe, and I'm happy to say I found the answer!

It all started while diving into Azure Cloud Foundry and the video below shows the "behind the scenes first look".

I then decided to dive a little deeper and get a full understanding of how Agents work because I'm a firm believer that Agents will be the "Automation2.0" that engineers need.

After the research, testing, deployments, and seeing how to get it all integrated into production, I wrote out an eBook that goes over every step from what GenAI is, each piece of GenAI (like tokenization), and how to implement it all with Azure Foundry AI.